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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/07/05

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling, Emma Smith, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 7:00PM  

Chief David Cahill
•Chief Cahill introduced Adam Lantiegne, the new full-time police officer. Betty Ramspott, Town Clerk sworn Adam Lantiegne in. His father Michael Lantiegne pinned his son’s badge on his uniform, while Chief Cahill introduced the Board of Selectmen to the family. Officer Lantiegne is working with a Field Training Officer until August 29th, when Officer Lantiegne will attend the police academy. Chief Cahill estimates that by the first of the year Officer Langtiegne will be on the road by himself. Chief Cahill also presented Officer Jeffrey Reed with the Distinguish Achievement Award for 20 years in law enforcement and as an Officer of the Sunapee Police Department. Selectman Roach wanted to complement Chief Cahill on the excellent choice for the harbor patrolman this summer. Selectman Roach also wanted to congratulate   
•Chief Cahill updated the Board on the temporary traffic pattern changes that occurred on the morning of June 14th  and the afternoon of June 21st. Chief Cahill met with the Sunapee Highway Safety Committee on June 9th to view the area of the intersections of Route 11, Lower Main Street and Main Street. The concerns were to reduce the wait and increase the safety of vehicles entering Route 11. Chief Cahill and the Highway Safety Committee wanted to address the complaints that people have to wait too long on Lower Main Street and Main Street during the time school starts and ends. Chief Cahill stated that the school crossing would be moved out of the existing location and into the intersection, the police would direct traffic. Mr. Pullman, the Elementary School Principal believes it was a success as well.  Chief Cahill is not presenting the change right now, but would like the Board to think about it and offer any suggestions they might have.

Tony Bergeron-Street Light Replacement Program
Tony Bergeron updated the Board on the street light replacement program. The total estimated cost is $104,000, which will be paid in 101 annual payments of $12,369. Motion to enter into Smart Start Program purchase agreement with Public Service by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. 4 in Favor. 1 Abstained
Tony Bergeron would like to add “light equipment operator” as a level 1015 job classification on the 2011 pay table. This will be a part-time or seasonal position in the Highway Department. Motion to add the light equipment operator as a job classification on the pay table by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Public Comments
•Scott Blewitt wanted to thank the community, he might be the face of Recreation, but it’s definitely a team effort and he would like to the give a “special thanks” to; Craig Heino, Mike Barnhart, Jim Yates and Richard Osborne for their help in setting up the barge for the fireworks. Chief Cahill, Sgt. Cobb and Chief Ruggles for making the fireworks, parade and Big Wheel race a safe and organized event for all. Also, thanks to the MV Sunapee (Fenton Family) who sold seats to watch the fireworks, with the proceeds totaling approximately $800.00 going towards the fireworks donation. The total amount raised in private donations for the fireworks $12,000. Selectman Roach asked if the fireworks were bought from Atlas and if Sunapee was on their preferred list? Selectman Roach went on to say that his son has bought fireworks from Atlas for years and was “moved up a notch” and now gets a reduced rate for the fireworks he purchases. Scott Blewitt didn’t know, but stated that he deals with the Jaffrey Office, which Selectman Roach stated that he was in the right place, but should twist their arms a little.
•Peter Urbach attended the July 4th parade, which he enjoyed, but was terribly disappointed at the absence of the antique roller in the parade.
Peter Urbach’s second comment has to do with the Board of Selectmen meeting minutes
of November 15, 2010; Peter Urbach would like to read the public comment made at that meeting;
“Peter Urbach asked what the status of the Riverway stock that the town has received? Donna Nashawaty did acknowledge that people had transferred ownership of their Riverway stock to the Town of Sunapee and that there had been some discussion to determine what happens and under what circumstances the people gave the stock to the Town and what they expect back. Selectman Brown and White suggested that the Board talk to the Riverway since they’re the ones who made the offer. Chairman Gallup stated that the Board will have to look at all avenues, there may be people who donated the stock for the library and this needs to be looked at carefully.”
It is now eight months later and now Peter Urbach asks again; what is the status of the Riverway stock that the town has received? Very good question stated Chairman Gallup. Donna Nashawaty said that none of the stock has been signed over to the Town of Sunapee, even though a tax letter was generated by the John Walden, Library Director acknowledging the donation. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that when the Board of Selectmen met with the Executive Board of the Riverway last November it was still on the table, but at this point the stocks are in the safe at the Selectmen’s office. Chairman Gallup was guessing that Peter Urbach thought there might be some hold over for another library project? Peter Urbach is only questioning what the status is for something that happened over a year or two years ago. Peter Urbach went on to say that the town received the stock and that the intent of the donor really can’t be fulfilled because the purpose has gone away due to the town vote and someone should be doing something to wrap it up. Donna Nashawaty stated that it goes a step further; the Riverway Executive Board had some premise that if they went out and contacted the people who donated the stock that the Riverway could repurpose it to make some sort of an offer relative to the land for the parking for the Old Town Hall. If the Riverway chose to ask their stockholders to repurpose the donated stock the Riverway would go through that process to see how much would be repurposed.
At this point Donna Nashawaty stated she has not heard the Board of Selectmen say they were not interested in the land adjacent to the Old Town Hall, so the ball is still in the Board’s court. Peter Urbach asked if the stock was transferred to the town. Donna Nashawaty said no, that the people signed the back of the stock, but it didn’t actually go to the Riverway to be accepted and recorded. Chairman Gallup wondered if the town should put the custody of the stock with the Riverway. Donna Nashawaty responded that at this point the town has acknowledged a taxable deduction to the people who donated their stock. Donna Nashawaty went on to say that people have filed taxes over the past two years using this as a deduction. Peter Urbach wondered how someone could take a tax deduction on a gift that has not been consummated. Donna Nashawaty responded that the people have signed off on the stock, so they no longer own it. Peter Urbach asked who owns the stock. Donna Nashawaty responded that that was a good question and thinks the Riverway needs to straighten this out. Chairman Gallup said maybe the Riverway Board needs a little refresher that this is hanging out there. Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that the Riverway Board was going to go back and discuss this and the Board of Selectmen was going to discuss the possible uses of the Old Town Hall. Donna Nashawaty said that there needs to be a continued discussion between the Board of Selectmen and Riverway Executive Board. Chairman Gallup asked if the next move is the Board of Selectmen’s in organizing a meeting with the Riverway Executive Board. Donna Nashawaty thinks there’s a bigger picture; does the Board of Selectmen and the Riverway Executive Board, together, want to figure out how to go back to the Riverway about purchasing the lot. Both Boards met in a non-public session in November to discuss the options. Chairman Gallup thinks at this point things are in “limbo” because no one wants to commit to anything right now. After much discussion, Donna Nashawaty stated that it is the Riverway’s problem to contact their former stockholders to tell them there’s another use and it’s going to be a parking lot. The question to the stockholders; will you continue to pledge your stock or do you want to disallow and issue a new stock certificate. The Board of Selectmen will have to figure out how to take back the donation     

Selectmen Action
•Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with the following new regulation:
Regulation of use of grills on public property
Under the authority vested in them by New Hampshire Statute 41:11 the Selectmen of the Town of Sunapee hereby establish the following regulation relating to use of grills in the public ways owned by the Town of Sunapee:.
The Board of Selectmen wishes to allow the public a safe and friendly area in order to grill by use of propane or charcoal grills.  All grilling by either gas grill or charcoal grill shall be prohibited in any location in the public ways owned by the Town of Sunapee with the exceptions as follows; specific areas are designated at Tilton Park, Georges Mills Beach and Dewey Beach for this purpose.  The Town of Sunapee will provide a commercial charcoal grill and bucket for the safe disposal of remains at each location.  Propane grills may be brought into these locations, and shall be used only in the area provided, for the general public’s safety.
From time to time it may be necessary to prohibit these actions due to extreme dry conditions.  If this were to occur, designated areas will be prominently posted.
Groups of ___ or more persons shall be required to file a use of recreation facility application and get approvals prior to the event.  This application is to help conflicting schedules as well as traffic control for the event.  
The Board of Selectmen may from time to time set hours of operation for this purpose as a courtesy to neighboring properties.
After some discussion the following changes were added:
Under this policy, groups of 25 or more persons shall be required to file a use of recreation facility application and get approvals prior to the event.  This application is to help conflicting schedules as well as traffic control for the event.
Additionally, grilling with propane at Veterans Field will be allowed under the direction of the sporting event organizer.
Motion to accept the grilling policy as amended by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Teddy Bear Picnic to use Sunapee Harbor on July 09th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by Abbott Friends for Pancake Breakfast at Safety Services Building on July 09th by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by
Sunapee Fire Dept. Antique Fire Apparatus Show at Veterans Field on July 09th by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by
Project Sunapee for use of River Road to hold Riverfest on August 07th and by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor. Board of Selectmen authorized all of the following ordinances requests:
Re: specific Town Ordinances.
In accordance with the Town Ordinance adopted March 2, 1076.  We respectfully request permission of the BOS for contra dancing and musical entertainment and ask that
the $5. fee for such permit be waived.
In regard to the Control and Use of Alcoholic Beverages, Ordinance adopted June 6, 2005
We respectfully request permission to allow a ticket to be given to each adult, who provides identification for the receipt of two servings of beer /or wine.  
Responsible adults will monitor the entrances.
Anyone obviously appearing to be drunk will not be given entrance to the site.   
Each event attendee will be requested to show ID at the entrance before being given a
two part beverage ticket.  Their hand will be stamped as proof of having shown ID.
That ticket must be presented to the server (a professional, licensed, insured Bartender).
The ticket will be torn in half when the first drink is served and the remaining half ticket will be surrendered when the second drink is served.  
No alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase.  
Project Sunapee has past experience managing such service and carries liability coverage by the Hartford Co. for such instances, a copy of which will be provided to the BOS.
The Sunapee Police Department will have a visible presence on site to monitor activity.   
The entrance/exit gates will be attended throughout the evening.    
No one will be allowed to exit the event with a beverage in hand.   
Non-drinking, designated drivers will be available.   
The event will end at 8:30 and guests will vacate the premises no later than 9 pm.
Relevant State laws will be complied with.
In regard to Recreation Ordinance adopted June 9, 2003
Section 2 a: "associated town-owned parking lots" are included in the definition of recreation areas.
Therefore, in accordance with that definition …..
Section 4 a:  "use of area from 10 pm to 5 am" … The pig roast will be staged in a secure area of the parking lot adjacent to Pete's Shed.   The roast requires 24 hours of preparation.  
It will commence on the evening prior to the event and will be monitored by the professional adult owner and chef (Scott Call) and an assistant, at all times.  The Sunapee Police will have periodic oversight.   We respectfully request waiving the time restriction on that area.
Section 5 a:  "written permission from the BOS is required to post a sign, banner or advertisement".  It is our intent to post signs regarding the covered bridge project, directing people to the carnival games and in recognition of our community partner underwriters of the event.   We respectfully request such permission.
Section 6 b: "regarding residential trash".  Appropriate containers for trash will be amply provided and will be removed to the Transfer Station on the day following the event.

Section 6 e:  "prohibiting vending except by nonprofits with written permission of the BOS".
Because this event is being staged by a 501 ( c ) 3, nonprofit organization to help raise awareness and funds in support of the Town of Sunapee Covered Bridge project, we intend to offer for sale t-shirts with the bridge logo and engraved granite stepping stones that will be installed at the entrance to the bridge.     We respectfully request such permission.

•Motion to allow Chairman Gallup to sign the use of facilities application submitted by
Sunapee Class of 1991 Reunion to use Tilton Park on August 14th by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Chairman Report
Chairman Gallup asked if everyone got the monthly budget update. Chairman Gallup said it looks like the town is in good shape.
Selectman Roach attended the final county budget hearing in Newport

Town Manager Report
•According to the Town Clerk; taxes are 90% collected
•Boat dock application is still being worked on by Watermark; it has a two month waiting period so none of the work will be done this year.  
•Effective July 1, 2011 all full time employees in the NH Retirement System saw a rate increase; Group I went from 5% to 7%. Group II went from 9% to 11.55%.
•Bridge update-there was concern that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission was going to ask for a permit and process fees because the bridge was going to cross over in front of the dam; because it is a town project, town doesn’t have to get permit.
•Donna Nashawaty handed out the latest purchase and sales agreement for the library for the Board of Selectmen to review and take action at the July 18th meeting.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:43PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Suzanne H. Gottling

Emma M. Smith